
Taylor Swift is Taylor Alison Swift. Taylor Swift is an American country and pop singer/songwriter. Taylor Swift's tales are about the heartache of a young girl. Swift was a fan of music at an early stage and progressed swiftly through roles in the children's theater until her first performance before an audience of tens of thousands. In 2011, Swift then 11, sang The Star-Spangled Banner during a Philadelphia 76ers' basketball game. Following that, she started writing her own music. Swift was inspired by artists from the country genre, such as Shania Twain, the Dixie Chicks as well as the Chicks in order to write original music which reflected the alienation she felt at 13. Swift was 13 when her parents made the choice to dispose of their Pennsylvania farm and move into Hendersonville Tennessee. She could spend all of her efforts to contacting label labels from the country scene in Nashville.

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